The photos here do a pretty good job of capturing how different the car looked after its first trip to the media blaster. All of the body's strengths and weaknesses are in plain sight now.
The car has changed locations as well. Rich Restorations is doing the dis-assembly, body work, paint, re-assembly, and project management. The car is now at Phantom Restorations. They are doing the blasting (via a sub-contractor) and the metal work.
The cars in the background are other projects underway at Phantom. My Corvair is keeping some very exclusive company these days. For example, the whitish car with the trunk lid raised (top left of photo) is a '57 Chrysler 300C, with the correct hemi motor. The car is about 85% done and is beautiful.
Also note the dolly that Greg Soter (Phantom's owner) modified to suspend the car from its normal suspension points—important when, for example, fitting the doors later.